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Orchestra Information & Sheet Music

Book 4+ Violin, Viola, and Cello players participate in the Festival Chamber Orchestra. 


This is an ensemble for String students who will be attending the festival both Saturday and Sunday, or Sunday only.  Students will explore the art of chamber music and collaboration while making new friends. It will meet for two rehearsals: one on Saturday, March 14th from 3:45-4:45pm *optional*, and one on Sunday, March 15th between 11am-noon *mandatory*.   


The chamber orchestra is designed to be similar to  a professional orchestra experience, and will be augmented by faculty and volunteer professional performers.


Because of the very limited rehearsal time for orchestra, parts must be prepared very thoroughly (please print your part). It is especially important that rhythms and even rests are practiced, because this is often challenging in an orchestral setting.  Additionally, students should listen to the pieces so they know what to expect.


This year’s selections are “Music from Brave” by Patrick Doyle/arr. Robert Longfield and “Finale” from Symphony No. 88 by Franz Joseph Haydn.  


Listen to Brave here  

Listen to Symphony No. 88 here



Book 4 Violin Students:  Students playing repertoire before the 1st movement of the Vivaldi Concerto in A minor in Book 4 should prepare Violin 3 parts. Students performing  Vivaldi A Minor, 1st movement and later repertoire in Book 4, should prepare Violin 2 parts.


Book 5+ Violin Students: Please prepare Violin 1 parts.




Print Your Orchestra Sheet Music: 


    Violin 1   

Violin 2

Violin 3




Questions? E-mail us at

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